Neural Jet

Robotic Arms, and The Beginning of cloudpainter

So we have long realized this, but now we finally have a plan.  For this painting robot to truly be able to express itself, it needs arms.  So we are planning on adding a pair, if not four.  A conceptual 3D model showing where we would put the first two can be seen below.

So the way we are thinking about this whole robot coming together is to add a pair of robotic arms above the painting area.  They would hold brushes, or maybe a brush and a camera.  Still deciding on this.  But as currently envisioned, the XY table will control the airbrushes, and the arms will control the traditional artist brushes.  Lots of reasons for this, least of which we think it will look cool for them to dance around each other.

We expect to have one of the robot arms, a 7bot, here in a couple of days.  Can't wait to see what we can do with it. 

Another thing we are realizing is that this is beyond the scope of the Neural Jet.  This new robot, a machine with a modular paint head on an xy-table and two robotic arms, is sort of a new project.  So from here on out while the Neural Jet will refer to the modular paint head, the project in its entirety will be referred to as cloudpainter, and will encompass all the tech and algorithms from all of my previous robots.


Airbrush Actuator Complete

It is amazing how much an invitation from the White House can speed up development.  Long hours this weekend went into getting a working airbrush prototype.  While paint brushes will remain the primary mark making device in the Neural Jet, it will be cool to have them backed up by five airbrushes with the ability to quickly paint backgrounds.  


Also cool that we went with the servos instead of something like a solenoid to control air flow.  With our servos we can actuate the air coming out to 16 different pressures.  So mixing becomes possible, and since we have 5 airbrushes on the paint head, the Neural Jet will be able to paint over 1,000,000 colors (16^5).  Yeah this part of the project really is just re-inventing a printer, but coupled with the other mark making tools that are coming, it will be on the next level.  You can see the prototype in action below.

We Just got invited to the... um... White House

We just got an invitation to the, um... White House.

So, WOW! We just received the following invitation...


Looks like we are going to have to step up the schedule to have our Neural Jet prototype working in the next couple of weeks.  It is a little ambitious, but we just had a design meeting and worked out a plan that would have a good portion of the functionality ready for an interactive exhibit.  

Wish us luck as we had no choice but to accept the invitation. Now we are aiming to amaze and impress at the inaugural SXSL Festival of Ideas, Art, and Action.

Paint Head Prototype Constructed

Hunter and I constructed the first prototype.  It consisted of ten physical parts. The tray and nine plug-in modules.  If you want to experiment along with us and this prototype, you can download the 3D plans from our downloads page.

Once 3D printing was complete, some parts of the tray were glued together with super glue. The modules could then snap into place and be removed as needed.  While we hope the final paint head does not need any glue, we were experimenting with how things fit together and super glue offered us the most flexibility at this stage of construction.


Based on a several lessons learned with the Q prototype, we set out on a number of improvements for the next iteration.  The main problem we are now trying to solve is how to suspend The Neural Jet from either an xy-table or a robotic arm.  


Using 3D Printer to Manufacture Parts

Nothing makes me realize that The Future Is Now more than our new 3D Printer. We are manufacturing the parts we need for the Neural Jet. And the creative process has taken on an iterative nature.  The plan is to have a modular paint head and our design has taken us through seven iterations so far. You can see several of the early wedges that will fit together on our modular head in the pic below.


Some of the attempts went poorly, as can be seen by the tangled mess of plastic on the left. But the design got better as did our proficiency with the 3D printer.  Ultimately we ended up with the following version, called Tray G.


As can be seen in the following picture, this tray holds a standard sized airbrush and resevoir almost perfectly.  When arrayed in a circle, all the airbrushes should be pointing to a central point, and hopefully be able to paint in unison with one another.





Our 3D Printer, a Wanhao Duplicator I3 Plus, finally arrived from China. Took about 2 weeks to get here. I wanted to open it as soon as we got it, but instead we decided to make an unboxing video. The results were kinda ridiculous. Typical unboxing videos are done by experts, but we quickly realized we didn't know what we were doing and stumbled through ours. But it was a fun way to learn about assembling and putting together a 3D Printer, so we hope you enjoy it.


New Robot Design Finalized - Will be ready in 3-6 months...

Getting through your paintings at about 3 a week,  Will post schedule of next 6 portraits some time around Sunday. If you need yours sooner than later, let me know.

CMYKW NeuralJet Printer

So I am zeroing in on the final design of bitPaintr. Above is a quick sketch of the concept that I am leaning towards. In addition to an artist's brush, I am adding between 3 and 6 airbrushes that will operate very similar to an inkjet printer by mixing Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Black ink to try and replicate as many colors in the spectrum as possible. Better than an inkjet, it will also include White and possibly some other mystery ink or finish. The airbrushes will not replace the brush, but be used for quickly filling in backgrounds.  Another concept that I am considering is to let humans paint with the artist brush while allowing the robot's AI to paint with the airbrushes.  Thinking of calling it a NeuralJet Printer.


But don't worry, this will not be a printer in the traditional sense. I promise that it will be just as messy and ridiculous as all my previous robots.  I have never even used an airbrush before, so I have no idea how I am going to program my robot to use one. Another way I am leaving my comfort zone is following the advice of my friend Mark to switch to pneumatics. Mark has also been telling me to use airbrushes for years now. I am finally listening to all his advice. Before last week, I didn't even know how to spell pneumatics and I had never used an airbrush. Despite this I fully intend to convert my robot into an air powered system in the next 3-6 months.